Every Sunday at 9 am when I open the entrance door of the church, an enticing smell of coffee always welcomes me, Dave’s Coffee. Before I turn left to my office, I would first stop in the sunroom and tell Dave how much I wish I were a coffee drinker. Dave’s kindly response has always been, “Have some, Pastor! “I like my rooibos decaf tea but who knows whether one of these days I would become a coffee drinker.
Dave’s passion and commitment to make coffee religiously every Sunday amaze me. He takes it so seriously and add his charm on top of it. I understand why we all fall for it.
Dave’s devotion reminds me the story of brother Lawrence, a 17th century Catholic priest who before his death wrote a book titled “Practice the Presence of God.
In his book, brother Lawrence shared that he had to pray 3 hours a day. During these 3 hours, however, while praying with eyes shut in the chapel, he didn’t seem to feel particular close to God. But he found the presence of God in the kitchen when he works preparing meals for the monastery rather than in the chapel. It is said that the monks were fond of his pancakes.
While I do believe that each one of us could practice the presence of God in whatever form and shape, at home or at work, Dave’s passion in making coffee suggests to me that sometimes we need to be intentional and create an atmosphere of brotherhood around us where the presence of God is practiced.
The sunroom becomes such a place. A place of gathering where the love of God can be felt. It is a kind of what is known in Greek as Koinonia.
Whenever I enter the sunroom every Sunday, I feel so good to know that Dave is behind the counter and making his best coffee for all of us to taste. Just like the monks were fond of brother Lawrence pancakes, we are fond of his coffee and the bread he makes for communion.
Next time you intend to invite a friend and don’t know what to say, please tell her/him, apart from our beautiful music, friendly people, thought provoking sermons, adult studies, we have the best coffee. It is called Dave’s coffee. Whenever you are in the church, don’t forget to grab a cup of Dave’s coffee (I wouldn’t mind if you drank it during the service). Dave’s free coffee makes both the fellowship of the community of believers and the very presence of God real.
My call is that the Trustees will make every effort possible to remodel the sunroom and make it as beautiful as the narthex. Who knows whether the love that stems out of that room could just be as contagious as the smell of Dave’s coffee that will reach out to our community.
Please join me as we thank Dave for all he does! Indeed, he teaches us to practice the presence of God in whatever we do.
In His Name,
Pastor Will