We Rise to the Occasion!

Last week a group of us was involved in discussions with the District Superintendent and leaders from Princeton UMC and Pennington. When the DS asked how better to describe our respective churches, Pat Grant uttered words that caught my attention. She said at HUMC we rise to the occasion.

Indeed, I am always amazed how a church of our size does so much. Whenever any need arises might be to meet our budget, assist someone in financial situation, or step up for our home bounds, many of you always respond to the call. Our name is in every community mission-oriented program in Hopewell. Not only that, but we are also involved in programs in the State and through the UMC conference we are present globally in UMCOR and many other organizations.

If we have to quantify the dollar amount in time and efforts that all of us allocate to make things happen, it could amount into a substantive sum of money. We do this because we believe it is just and right to advance God’s Kingdom here on earth.

I will never forget when a month ago I called the executive director of TASK in Trenton announcing that they were a recipient of $10.000 from our endowment funds, she couldn’t hold her breath. This is how we rise to the occasion. We make a difference in people lives.

The DS is exploring avenues to re-think how to do ministries all together with Princeton and Pennington. This might require a restructuring of the current system and adopting a new model. In coming weeks, the DS will reach out to us for conversations and visions. Many of us are comfortable enough in this endeavor to embark the church into it.

In the meantime, we have set a robust annual calendar this year here at HUMC. From missions, children and family ministry, adult programs, music ministries and outreach programs, each of those entities will require us to rise to the occasion.

Your involvement and financial support to the life of church will be paramount to meet goals that every ministry is set up to achieve. Pls consider pledging for the year or subscribe to an account deduction from your bank. We welcome any way you feel comfortable supporting the Church.

By supporting our church in whatever forms and shape, all together we will continue to rise to the occasion. Should you have any questions regarding pledges, pls contact Sue or Pat.

In his name!

Pastor Will

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