Music Ministry
Our style of worship
Methodists have always been known for their music! Our musical worship services and music ministry within the community are an essential part of who we are at HUMC.
Music on Sunday mornings is dynamic and varied; we incorporate contemporary and traditional styles of praise, so there is something for everyone.
Community and congregational involvement is important to us: we learn about each other and God through music that is authentic, spirit-filled, and collaborative. Come sing with us!

The HUMC Choir
The act of singing together in unison, and harmony, is one of life’s great blessings and we are proud to have a Choir still going strong in an age when many church choirs have fallen by the wayside. Our Choir sings every first Sunday, except during the summer when they take a well-deserved break.
If you like to sing, come to a Choir rehearsal and check it out. Singing in a choir provides many physical and mental health benefits… and free vocal lessons! Contact our Music Director, Mary McIntyre, at for more information.

Praise Band
Our praise band leads worship every second Sunday. We enjoy praising God with a variety of musical styles, from contemporary, to sacred, to country/bluegrass. And we love to take requests!
If you sing or play an instrument and would like to join in, stop by a rehearsal after worship on Sunday, or email our Music Director, Ben Shively, at for information.

Meet Our Music Director
Ben Shively as our music director, comes to us from a very strong background in music and recently had been the head director at Rodeo Palms Junior High School in Manvel, Texas.
Ben has a Bachelor degree in Music Education from the University of Missouri. He is presently working on his Master’s degree music in choral conducting at Westminster Choir College.
Ben Shively
Beyond the Sanctuary
First Friday Open Mic
EAMC will be hosting open mics at the Hopewell United Methodist Church starting November 18.
FORMAT: 15-minute time slots per musician/band, times will be decided via lottery. Doors open at 6:30 to put your name in.
We have mics /PA/Monitors and a drum kit. Guitars will go to the soundboard via DI boxes. If you choose to bring your amp it will be mic’d through the PA.
We do not have keys, guitar, or bass amps but hope that if you plan to bring you will coordinate with other players and share!

Sunday Coffee House
Stop by the fellowship hall for free coffee, acoustic sets, and a casual environment to drop-in on.
Hopewell Hayride( Resumes in March 2024) | Twice Monthly
oin us twice monthly on Saturdays for country music, live singers, and bands on the HUMC grounds.
Concerts for a Cause | Returning this Spring
Join us twice monthly on Saturdays for country music, live singers, and bands on the HUMC grounds.