I borrow this title from an article written by Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times opinion contributor who is involved in charitable works around the world. In his recent piece, Kristof writes “This holiday season, instead of giving your Aunt Sue and Uncle Bill one more scarf and tie to languish in the closet, how about making contributions in their names to help children in need?” It is amazing how many gifts we received through the years languish in the closet until we decide to give them away.
I have just come from Nashville visiting my American family. It is a family that took me in as their own child when I moved to the US almost 30 years ago. My mom and dad are aging. They are in the mid eighties. They lived in Illinois until this year they downsized and moved in with their second daughter who has a good size home in the suburb of Nashville, TN. My parents are settled in one section of her house. Because my parents received so many gifts through the years and no room to keep them, mom has been regifting people or simply returning some of the gifts to their original givers.
Years ago, I gave them an African painting that they enjoyed much. But it turned out now that there is no room to hang it in their downsized home. Mom asked me whether I could get it back so that it doesn’t end up in the closet or storage. At first, it felt awkward to take it, but under the circumstances it is the right thing to do. The painting will be shipped to me in the coming weeks.
Friends, to offer out of love is an altruistic act that brings so much joy in us. Many of us have received presents through the years and in some cases can’t use them anymore. We are running out of space to keep them.
As you plan to offer to loved ones this coming Christmas, might you consider to give in their names to an organization or to HUMC a gift that will serve a larger purpose. Ask them if you could donate $100 in their names rather than buying a gift that could end up in the closet.
There are so many needs out there including the running of this church or charitable organizations that are in desperate need of subvention to keep the doors open. Your gift of meaning will certainly make a difference.
I think that is what Christmas is all about. God giving to the world a meaningful gift that serves a greater purpose of peace, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation. A true gift that doesn’t relinquish in the closet. (Luke 2:7; John 3:16) .