Christian Education & Formation

Education online

Opening our hearts and minds to the love and grace of God

Enliven your understanding of faith and the Methodist tradition, anytime day or night. Subscribe to the UMC’s YouTube discipleship playlist to watch new videos as they are published.

Sermon Themes and Series

June 2022 | The Lord's Prayer

June 05 | “The Kingdom Come”
(Isaiah 2: 1-4, 11:1-9; Matthew 6: 5-10)

June 12 | “Thy Will Be Done”
(Psalm 23; Matthew 6: 9-10)

June 19 | “Praying and Forgiving”
(Psalm 103, Psalm 51: 1-12)

June 26 | Lorraine Donahue Preaching
Pastor Will Away

July 2022 | I Am

July 03 | Israel Gwatana Preaching
Pastor Will Away

July 10 | Taylor Preaching
Pastor Will Away

July 17 | “I Am the True Vine”
(Exodus 16: 2-4, 9-15; John 15: 1-11)

July 24 | “I Am the Bread of Life”
(1 Kings 19: 4-8; John 6: 35, 41-45)

July 31 | “I Am the way, the Truth and the Life”
(2 Kings 4: 42-44; John 14: 1-7)

August 2022 | Growing in the Life of Faith

August 07 | “Practicing Faith”
(Psalm 51: 1-2, 10-19, Isaiah 58: 3-9a; Matthew 6: 1-8, 16-18)

August 14 | “Looking Around and Not Worrying”
(Psalm 95: 1-7a, Romans 5: 1-11, Matthew 6: 25-36)

August 21 | “Asking, Searching, and Knocking”
(Psalm 25: 1-10; Matthew 7: 1-11)

August 28 | “Hearing and Doing”
(Psalm 130; Philippians 2: 5-11, Matthew 7: 12, 24-29)

Christmas Themes 2022 | The Gift

Sunday November 27: Prepare the Way of The Lord. Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalms 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:36-44.

December 4: Come Divine Messiah .Psalm 23; Genesis 28:10-13, 15. Matthew 1: 18-23

December 11: Come and Worship the King – Mary. Psalms 72:1-7, 18-19. Luke 1: 26-42

December 18: Royal David’s City-Joseph . Psalms 146; Matthew 1: 18-25

December 24 Worship God’s Great Gift – ( Matthew 1: 18-25)

December 25. No place in the Inn ( Luke 2: 1-7 )

Women Bible Study

Healing The Soul of a Woman

Presented by Joyce Meyer, via DVD

Meeting Days: Every Thursday
Time: 11:30am–1:00pm
Venue: Hopewell United Methodist Church – In the Sunroom, 20 Blackwell Avenue, Hopewell, NJ.

Questions? Contact Ella Furlong, Or (H) 609-466-8728

Resources for formation

United Methodist Now

United Methodist Now

United Methodist Now is a bimonthly e-newsletter for church members to highlight examples of Christian living, share inspirational messages, and focus on what it means to be part of our connection.

Discussion starters for families

Get Them Talking is a devotional series for families with children. Each devotion is meant to jumpstart conversation about faith, whether you’re at the dinner table, in the car, or getting ready for bedtime.

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