We’re a community rooted in faith, worship, and a shared life.

We’re a community rooted in faith, worship, and a shared life. Our church is located at 20 Blackwell Ave Hopewell, New Jersey (NJ).

Sunday Worship

10:00 AM | Sanctuary | Online

Children’s Sunday School

10:00 AM | Fellowship Hall

Please join Dr. Will this first Sunday of Lent March 9, 2025 as he preaches, “ In the Wilderness:“ When We Hit Rock Bottom. ”Psalm 25:1–10
Exodus 3:1–6
Mark 1:9–15

​Several years ago , a young man in his early thirties, who was going through a hard time in his life asked if I understood the expression “ hitting rock bottom? At first , I felt uncomfortable wondering why he was asking such a silly question. I have been in situations before where I was asked if I were familiar with certain American expressions such as “put the cart before the horse .” Questions like this never put me at ease .

As I was ready to tell him that I was fully immersed in American culture and expressions , it dawned on me that he was not testing my English vocabulary but he wanted me to feel and understand his real life situation. His life was getting out of control , he was forced to come back home and live with his parents , his marriage fell apart , he lost his job , he had no savings ,no medical or life insurance. He was an alcoholic.

The job perspective was bleak . His car was repossessed. If this is not rock bottom then I don’t know what it is , I say to myself. The Bible reference of the Wilderness nears the experience this young man was going through.

In our text today the Spirit drives Jesus into the wilderness, where he remains for forty days, tempted by Satan. There are wild beasts out there in the wilderness and at the end of it, angels come to him.

The Christian season of Lent begins with an acknowledgment of human mortality and a recognition that, before it is over, life will likely put us in some kind of wilderness and, for many of us, already has. But it is a journey that we don’t walk alone . It is a journey that doesn’t stop in the darkness . It leads to a life renewed in the presence of God, the resurrection .

Dr. Willy L Mafuta, Ph.D, Th.D
Senior Pastor,
Hopewell United Methodist Church, Hopewell, NJ 08525

Our Community

Hopewell United Methodist Church Children and Youth (3)

Children & Youth

Find out about our Children and Family Ministry by clicking on the link below

HUMC (6)

Christian Education

Opening our hearts and minds to the love and grace of God. We invite you to join us.


Book Talk

March 18, 2025 on Zoom@7:30pm **All are welcome to come join in any or all of the discussions in person in or online via Zoom.

Music Ministry

Methodists have always been known for their music, an essential part of who we are!

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